1 minute read

Below I share the resources that have helped and continue to help me in my Data Science journey.


Photo by Maximilian Weisbecker on Unsplash

Data Science Bootcamps & Short Immersive Courses

For those looking to test the data waters, Metis’ short immersive courses allow you to dip your toes into the basic fundamentals of data science while preparing for the rigors of the Bootcamp. Upon acceptance into Metis, prospective students have four different Bootcamp tracks to choose from and provide for full and part-time needs. With top tiered and experienced instructors at the helm of every module, a well-established network of top data science talent in the field, and a careers team invested in your future, Metis is hard to beat—your success is their success.

Python & SQL Practice

Daily practice for thirty minutes goes a long way. Try any or all of these sites to level up your coding skills.

Data Science on Youtube

can be a great way to learn from Data Science content creators who impart industry experience, teach concepts, present project ideas, and provide for a community of eager data minded self-starters.

Data Science Channels
Maths Channels

Data Science Reading

Reading a Data Science related blog post/article a day keeps you in the game. Check out both of these sites for unique, fun, and stimulating data related content.

More Data Science Learning & Interview Prep


“Prepare for a career with SQL, python, algorithms, statistics, probability, product sense, system design, and other real interview questions.” - StrataScratch

Code with Mosh

“Master the coding skills to become an engineer companies LOVE to hire.” - Mosh Hamedani